The Proverbs offer us many truths to add value to our lives and enhance our living. But first and foremost, the book of Proverbs promises to deliver us from evil. The essential traits of discretion and understanding bear enormous power to keep us out of harm’s way. Since our world is replete with evil of […]
The Sun Also Rises
Ernest Hemingway published one of his best known works of fiction, The Sun Also Rises, in 1926. The novel received mixed reviews early on, but has since come to be considered Hemingway’s greatest work. The novel concerns thematic elements such as love, jealousy, sexuality, masculinity, femininity, and meaningfulness, and creates a powerful comment on the […]
Wise Words that Warn
It has been said there are two main motivations for all actions: achieving pleasure and avoiding pain. Avoiding pain far outweighs the motivation of achieving pleasure. Avoiding pain necessitates clear warnings, and Proverbs does not fall short of this task. The book introduces a personified Wisdom; her wise words warn readers who would listen and […]
The Pitfalls of Peer Pressure
“My son, if sinners entice you, DO NOT CONSENT.” Peer pressure is as old as the human race. In every culture, in every time, in every place… people have wanted to influence, and be influenced by, one another. This is the “herd instinct” of humanity. It’s plainly evident in creatures of nature: cows walk like […]
Wisdom and the Fear of God
Implicit in all wisdom, there is the element of knowledge. One can attain knowledge, and one can attain wisdom, but the manner of attaining is essential to the process. As in all processes, there is a natural, appropriate starting point. First and foremost, a “fear” of God creates the framework upon which all pursuit rests. […]