In all the earth, there is an ongoing battle between the two opposing forces of justice and injustice. Every nation and every country throughout the history of the world has experienced the continual conflicts of right against wrong, truth versus lies. America is now experiencing the height of that struggle, and let it be known, as the Bible so resoundingly states: JUSTICE IS COMING.
In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon spoke of this conflict when he penned these immortal words:
“The king gives stability to the land by justice, but a man who takes bribes overthrows it.” Proverbs 29:4
The king, president, prime minister, or any other position of supreme authority in a nation’s government, is either a person of justice or a person of injustice. Like oil and water, the two will not mix. What controls one’s small decisions will control the big decisions. The issue is not one of expediency or popularity. When it comes to justice, the issue is always one of personal character.
Read history. The annals of time are riddled with fighting between those who championed true justice, and those who wanted injustice. Thrones have been established and destroyed over it. Countless peoples have died over it.
When a king lives and rules by justice, the land knows peace and security. On the other hand, if a king lives and rules by injustice, there is unrest and turmoil from the highest levels of aristocracy to the beggar on the street.
What better way to define this rule by injustice than “…a man who takes bribes…“? Is not taking bribes a hallmark of injustice? We can see this explicitly clear in our country today by men and women in government who have worked insider deals and compromised our national security for money. The evidences are painfully numerous. Just in recent months, stories of false media narratives, unfair censorship, voter fraud, and much more, have poured out of the news channels showing the ugly reality of injustice creeping into the very fabric of this great country.
The writer of this powerful axiom understood kingdoms and nations. He was well-versed in the rise and fall of governments. And he spoke with personal testimony when he said a man who takes bribes “overthrows” a land. With his father, King David, he experienced multiple corrupt rulers plying their deceit on otherwise stable kingdoms, and witnessed the damaging affects of bribery played out in his royal family.
The verdict is in: CORRUPTION DESTROYS NATIONS, FAMILIES AND BUSINESSES. No land governed by corrupt leaders enjoys peace.
And how does the bribery of leaders affect the people directly? Here Solomon nails it again:
“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, people groan.” Proverbs 29:2
“When the righteous triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked rise, men hide themselves.” Proverbs 28:12
The truth is, when evil people gain power, those under them cringe and hide. Their only desire is to protect themselves and their loved ones. Of course, evil rulers usually promise great things, such as unfettered benevolence and protection, but in reality they only deliver hardship and oppression.
And another thing: when evil men seek to gain power, they love to insult their opponents with the very character flaws they have themselves. Take a crooked politician, and watch how he or she brands everyone who opposes them. Almost without exception, they blame others of the exact error they live by.
Democracy will only stand when people of high morals and character lead. There is no way around it. It is a government by and for the people, meaning the government will bear the standards of those people.
America is at a true crossroads today. We must faithfully follow those who are marked by strong morals and high standards, or we will be given leaders who are completely devoid of morals or standards. As we live and operate, so shall we be given.
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7
We know that ultimately all things wash out. All criminals will eat the fruit of their deeds. Everyone, at some point, gets their day. Sometimes it happens soon, other times it takes a while. Even many years. But it will happen, the wrongs will be righted, the things done in secret exposed, the just desserts paid out.
Who will do this? Well, God promised He will do so at the end of the age, when He returns to judge the world. But sometimes the Lord provides one to take the evil to task for their deeds, at least in a temporary sense. And by the grace of God, our leaders will right the wrongs of this land and give America another opportunity to be the light in the world it has been to so many already.
Justice is coming…
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