There is and has always been a fascination with the making of money. Everyone wants to be rich – no one wants to be poor. So a common question that arises in pesonal conversations, Internet chats, public forums, and any other gathering of minds, is this: how to become rich? Or, said another way, how […]
Strategies for Wealth – Keep It or Lose It
The strategies for wealth people choose is a revelation of their interests and skills. Since most people have an objective in mind when they begin their career path, the objective dictates the road they will follow, and the journey to get there will be a strong evidence of that person’s inclinations, desires, aptitudes, and most importantly, […]
True Abundance with God
God is surely in the business of providing His children with abundance. And His abundance comes with several flavors – He doesn’t limit abundance to just having a lot of money. It is so much more than that.
What Is the One Thing Harder to Do Than Making Money?
Holding on to money is more difficult than making money. Money in your hand is slippery, and very difficult to grasp. Have you ever experienced this phenomena? Read the stories of lottery winners. Read the sad stories of common people suddenly getting massive windfalls. The vast majority of lottery winners go bankrupt in a few […]
Money Is the Answer to Everything. Or is it?
It is well known that King Solomon, the prolific author of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, had wealth beyond the imagination. His annual royal income, not counting investments, was valued (in today’s money) at approximately 1.1 Billion dollars. And he ruled for forty years.