How should one live his or her life? Is there a “right” way to conduct a life, or is it merely up to however a person chooses?
In the human psyche, there is an element none can deny. It is the human conscience. The conscience we have, we cannot escape, we cannot silence. It is there. And it always will be.
That conscience, that inner sense, tells each one of us there is a way in which we should live. But we don’t. We live otherwise, and the natural outpouring of these decisions is guilt. So, again, how should we then live?
God has given us a manual by which we should conduct our lives. Whether we agree on a rational level or not is inmaterial. It is the handbook, the guide, which we are instructed to follow. Following the handbook gives the fullest, healthiest, happiest life possible here in the sin-soaked world called Earth.
God’s manual is the Bible, and He gave us that vital life guide to bless and fulfill us.