Everyone is seeking that which lasts. Day to day, through all of time, in every corner of the globe, mankind is yearning for what endures. But do people ever really stop to consider what does last? Surely we know the words of mankind do not. Think of the countless books that have been written since peoples first began writing their thoughts on stones and scrolls. Think of the billions upon billions of writings from every corner of the globe, for thousands of years. Trillions and trillions and trillions of words.
How many of them do you know about? How many could you cite? How many of them matter today? How many are relevant?
Even if you are an information buff, chances are you find limited value in what people thought a thousand years ago, a hundred years ago… or even last year. Why? Because, as God so eloquently put it,
“The LORD knows the thoughts of man, that they are a mere breath.” Psalm 94:11
What an appropriate description. Breath! What is more transient than breath? Aside from the fact that it cannot be seen, the very moment it becomes existent, it is gone. This is the consensus God gives to the words and thoughts of mankind.
Think. What really does endure? Nothing. Everything rots. Everything decays. All elements of mass are on a gradual decline, breaking down to the very basic components, which is essentially dust.
Nothing of man’s fabrications endures, no matter what they say about it. A great way to remind yourself of this is to take a short trip to a junkyard and a cemetery. Try it. Look around. You will see many things in that junkyard or dump that not so very long ago were considered valuable. The furniture, the toys, the household items. Once with big sticker prices, now in a stinking pile. The high performance cars, once drooled over by wannabe buyers, now rusting in a heap of metal.
These things, many of them, once were the source of great excitement, or possibly the source of heated arguments and broken relationships. And now, what are they?
A quiet walk by oneself through a cemetery is a sobering experience. Bend down and read the headstones. Look at the names. See the spans of life. Some are painfully short. But you know what? Not too many years ago, those people all had a passion for life, for what they were going to do, how their plans would flourish. Their goals. Their dreams.
Just like you.
Look at the world you live in. Not even what is in nature lasts; it disintegrates into dust. Even energy, which is a constant in the universe, is winding down, becoming less efficient and useful, and running into disorder. If you doubt it, look at the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, the most steadfast in law of all science, provable to the 5th power, which means it is virtually 100% accurate and unable to be contradicted.
So, if even the most basic elements of the world in which we exist do not last, it makes the thinking person wonder: what does, if anything???
There is only one single thing which lasts here on earth. Only one.
The Bible states it clearly. It says in the book of Isaiah:
“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”
Isaiah 40:8
The words of God. Those very words which were spoken by God and written down by scribes. These, yes these, will stand the test of time. They will remain. They will never go away. And why? Simply because of this one, primary fact:
You might run into many people who will tell you the words of God mean nothing. They might even claim the Bible was not of God, or that it is man’s flawed writings. People always have invented various ways of dismissing God’s words as meaningless and foolish.
But who are these people to say these things? How can they, feeble humans as they are, whose lives hang on a fragile thread, tell an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God that He is subject to their opinion? How can he or she, who does not last, tell you what will or will not last?
Just as the words of man do not last, nor do their opinions. But those people are gone, as are their opinions, and what remains of them?
God’s word is still here. And so is He. So… who can speak with authority?
God’s son Jesus Christ, who is called the Word of Life Himself in Scripture, made this monumental statement concerning the words of God:
“For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” Matthew 5:18
I don’t know about you, but I am most interested in what will remain, what will endure. I have a deep longing to know and understand what is going to last. What truly matters, what is eternal. I have never discovered ANYTHING which endures, nor have I met someone who has. The only thing I have found in all the world that does not quickly pass away but lasts forever is the eternal, transcendent Word of God.
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