Here at His Wisdom, we are seeking the God’s truth as it relates to every aspect of life.
There must be, of absolute necessity, one truth. It is logically and reasonably impossible to say that two opposing ideas or concepts are both true. All ideas and concepts and things and realities can be pared down to one, singular element. Nothing in all the world finds exception. Therefore, truth has to be one, just as is everything.
There have been countless attempts to circumvent this reality; explanations by those of “higher thinking” who go on for volumes explaining how there can be no absolute truth (including what they are writing to prove).
There are legitimate grounds for addressing skepticism, but taken at face value, it is semantical machination with a goal to confuse. We can argue ad infinitum about whether something is true or untrue and whether it can be asserted positively that something is true or untrue. But that is not the point of this site, and frankly there is not room here to ramble on endlessly debating those skepticisms that help no one anyway.
What we seek here is the truth of God as revealed in His Word. The fact that truth surfaces in the Scriptures will surely alienate some, simply because they do not like what they read there. But no matter. The veracity of something is never determined by one’s tastes or preferences. It is proven by authority, integrity, and power.
The Bible is the ultimate authority. How? Why? Of course, anyone reading the Word would naturally ask about this. How can we know it is “the” authority? While there are many, many reasons, we will only examine a few here:
- The Bible was written over a period of 1500+ years in 66 books by approximately 40 writers from a broad range of locations. Though the Bible covers complex subjects and detailed ideas, thousands of years of skeptics’ assaults has not produced one, EVEN ONE, point of discrepancy. The Word proves perfect synthesis – every part supports every other part. Though there have been minor typographical inconsistencies over the centuries of translations (numbers and names, for example), none of those errors affects any theme or doctrine of the Bible. They are insignificant.
- Of all recorded books of all of human history, no other has anywhere near the historical support as the Bible does. The Bible has vastly more historical evidence than any other religion, including Buddhism and Islam. Thousands of actual manuscripts dating back centuries upon centuries still exist today. And of course, the Dead Sea Scrolls, (discovered in the late forties and early fifties) almost exact copies of our testaments we read today, reveal no discrepancy or error.
The Bible is amazingly consistent. There have been no changes or adaptions or rewrites to the Bible. Bible truth is today what it was 4000 years ago. But is that true of other religions?
- In almost every religion, the beliefs and principles are based upon a document or documents. Islam has the Quran, the Hindu Shruti, the Mormons the Book of Mormon. There are many others. These books have been changed, edited, reinterpreted, and revised many times. The books are not consistent, but time, culture and other factors have influenced them to make adaptions. The Bible, however, has perfect integrity. As mentioned above, vast historical documentation, going as far back as 150 BC, supported with tens of thousands of manuscripts in existence today, reveal no significant inconsistency or discrepancy or change.
- Countless archeological digs have surfaced insights into cultures and people of times past. Much of the ancient cultures in the Middle East has been learned from archeological finds. To date, not a single artifact has been unearthed to show any error or inconsistency in the Bible. Not a single one. On the contrary, many discoveries have been made which only proved what the Bible already claimed to be true. Ancient cultures, known only from the Biblical record, have been “rediscovered”. Ancient writings found on walls prove things written in the Old Testament of the Bible are factual and true.
Finally, Bible truth is proven true by the sheer power it has exercised over humanity from ancient history to this very morning. The Bible is wrought with power from God Himself, and cannot be denied. There are literally countless examples from every part of the globe to show this. Here are a few:
- The truths from the Word of God have completely changed the lives of individuals throughout time, transforming people from slave traders and pimps to self-sacrificing missionaries, pastors, and evangelists.
- The devoted followers of the Bible have created the majority of hospitals, universities, orphanages, and other institutions for the betterment of society.
- The precepts found only in the Word of God have lifted people from slavery, given equal rights to women and minorities, and established societal equality and justice.
Because of these reasons, and more (which are covered in the blog posts and articles and podcasts), we seek and believe Bible truth as the one, final word of truth. In a world of lies, it is good to know there IS a source of truth that has never changed, and never will.
It is the Word, written by God Himself, taught by the Holy Spirit, and manifested perfectly in His one and only Son, Jesus Christ.